There's No Time Like the Present! Dear Friends and (I hope) fellow sojourners seeking helpful perspectives while traversing this rough and mumble lifetime, I'm blogging again after a two year absence (during which time I went through another inning of "Dark Night of the Soul- scored is tied.) But as Arnold Soldyournature would say, "I'm baaack" And have I got news for you! Remember when you heard the phrase, "There's no time like the present." Were you present then to hear it? What about now? In other words, if there's no time like it, "the present" isn't like any other time. If it's 5:45 PM, for instance, the present isn't like that. Sometimes, I believe it's 8:20 AM, but when I get to 8:21 and check back, I realize once again, "There's just no time like the present." So after trying a whole bunch of times to truly prove that there was no time like the present (3:40 PM came close, but o...
Showing posts from September, 2012