
Showing posts from April, 2015

God bless....what can that possibly mean?

When we say or hear someone say, "God Bless You," what do we think we're doing? What will happen?  Or who is this God?  And what is blessing? I guess that getting a "Blessing"is receiving some goodies from God.  This could mean that God who has been busy either not giving blessings or has not been giving blessings to me and others until it has been asked for is is now persuaded to impart blessings--  Wealth, love, opportunity, health, better conditions, relief from pain, free tickets. But for a deeper understanding of blessing,  let's go to a famous source, the one who started off a bunch of sentences with the line, "Blessed are the...."--the Beatitudes from Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount." For example, "Blessed are the simple, (used to be called "meek") for they shall inherit the earth." Now, to me, that sounds like a mixed blessing, because if I inherit the earth, well....then.....I'm responsible for it....

Don't Take 'Yes' for an answer.

Too short.  Yeah, you want an answer that's got some ongoing-ness to it.  "Yes" is great, but it's over too soon. Way shorter than an orgasm, even, and that's always a good answer. No, I wouldn't take "Yes" for answer. I'd want answer to be more like, "Whatever you want."  Wouldn't that be a cool answer. Or, "You're never wrong."  Wow, that's a dynamite answer.  Just count the syllables--that alone qualifies it as an answer for the taking or, "You get to decide."--Now, that's a hellava answer, ain't it? But if you have a short attention span and can get by on answer snacks, then "Yes" is okay.  It'll do in a pinch. But one more thing--the reason not to take "yes" as an answer is because no answer, no matter how good it is, can be taken.   After all the very best answers aren't taken.......they're shared-- that's what makes them answ...

What to do with your love for Jesus

    Tonight is the first night of Passover and the celebration of "The Last Supper"--Good Friday (a religious icon if there ever was one.) It was the last meal Jeshua shared with his apostles. It is a good time to reflect on Jesus' purpose and the symbolism of this event.        Passover and the Last Supper are both about becoming free.  Free as a people, thanks to Moses, et al, and free as an individual, thanks to Jeshua, et al.       I see Jeshua's life as an invitation. An invitation to find freedom in wholeness.      Jeshua is in fact an invitation sent by God--source of all Being-- to join with the rest of reality and work for the betterment of the whole--actually any "whole" in which you find yourself, starting with your self, to make the whole of you more aligned and integrated--body, mind, soul and spirit.       And then work toward the same integration for any system in which yo...