
Showing posts from 2014

What is the within?

(We hear the announcer)  "The realm of ever expanding ecstatic consciousness is within.  Call now and find out how you can have your own inner realm, where you can bring all your most loving and spiritual memories. Not only does it receive as many as you can stuff into it, (kinda like a big pajama party) but the really cool thing about it is the more folks you share your inner realm with, the larger it gets. In your inner realm you won't be able to distinguish between play and work.  Activities are just part of a spiral of ever expanding arching circles that never close as they make their way throughout infinity--picking up and gathering experience to itself-- like snow balls becoming snow mountains. That's right --your inner realm has direct access to infinity where you will find friendly souls eager to greet you, problems to challenge your creativity, and surprises that bear somewhat of a resemblance to earthly orgasms. "What's the difference between i...


In order for awareness to be, there must be distinctions. And thus was the ground laid for the potential of duality  For awareness required something to be aware of it.  It is aware of itself, of course, but awareness isn't finished.  Awareness, by its very nature insists on being shared. Awareness is the sharing. Thus distinction,  a "something else" was inevitable   Described as the 2nd person of the trinity by some. The awareness is being aware of itself, after all. Awareness became aware of its infinite aware self.  That awareness gives rise to the mirror image of awareness, like two mirrors facing each other, (but imagine those mirrors reflecting life experience as they reiterate themselves infinitely.) But wait. Awareness and self-awareness are thus able to share a mutual awareness, which in turn extends into eternity, like a rushing river, cascading through eons and light years. This mutual awareness is mutuality itself forever mu...

O'ertaken by the Now

O’ertaken by the Now. Resist the urge to “do” something. Bereft of doing, how will I make it? That is the fear. But then maybe.........  “Need do” or “Not need do” is the question. But who is asking? And so I switch seats and take the position of the answerer. "You need do nothing,”   So says A Course in Miracles    “Nothing is required,” writes Neale Donald Walsh writing for God. “Be Still and know that I am God,” saith the Bible. You’re never too late to for the now.” Says Andy Rumi. But what do they know? But wait! What if it’s what they don’t know that’s pulling the cords of my longing?    What if the Eternal Now is playing that bouquet of cords as they pass through the portals of my awareness? What if the transient me is the period at the end of a sentence that never ends?

All or Nothing?

A significant breakthrough for me was when I realized that everything I've learned, the entire edifice of my experience, my thinking and the interpretation of my thoughts, even my values are based on the information I initially received through my five senses and what I did with that information as determined by my physical and emotional needs.  That orientation has shaped my entire world view.  So even though there is what appears to be empty space that is mostly everything, from the point of view of my five senses, that space appears as essentially nothing.   What if I had a whole other cadre of ways of accessing, perceiving and interpenetrating with reality? I might find that what I call empty space, for instance, is filled with all sorts of being…that I am actually swimming in a sea of being, unaware that I am bumping up against, exchanging with, shaping and being shaped by a host of differentials that continually inform and influence my existence. ...


People ask Rochelle and I why we do our radio show, "Insight Out--the Naked Truth." Now, I don't actually know any people who ask us that, but I imagine them asking that, so this is my answer.   Rochelle and I love to laugh and to cause laughter, so we draw attention to the absurdities that go on in our world, which are largely based on limiting and destructive beliefs which, in turn, sit atop un-examined assumptions, deceptive perceptions, misguided teachings-- topped with layers of immaturity, variable genetics and muddled thinking. And from the unlimited, eternal, all loving perspective, that stuff is ridiculous-albeit, unnecessarily costly and destructive.  So join us on tonight's radio show (actually all our radio shows) as we look behind the illusions into the core of  " What Is, " and from there, we can examine our assumptions--some of which are a hoot, deceptive perceptions--outright guffaw-worthy, misguided teachings--one punch line after an...

Being born of the spirit--who knew?

   I've had a deeper understanding of what it means to be born of the spirit--i.e. to be reborn.  Our first birth is as a delimited being and then we accrue all sorts of definitions of that, essentially temporary self that become fixed by the ego and as the "ego."--the part of the mind that identifies our self by separation (according to A Course in Miracles).      Kind of like a "fixer" in photography, if you have ever developed photos from negatives.  the fixer "fixes" the image so that it stays permanent.  But it is locked into that time/space two dimensional image.  The ego is a two dimensional self and when we are reborn, we realize that we are unfolding as a three dimensional self (at least). In other words we have the potential for increasing the depth and range of expression that the third dimension offers--that third dimension being the presence of living unqualified eternal being-ness that we are invited to explore, contribute ...


I just found this unfinished blog.  It is now many months later, and the story has evolved in a very interesting way, but I thought this was worth sharing, especially in light of what has happened since I wrote it. Here goes:  W hen I look out at the world, I see lots of options. There's an aw-ful lot of stuff traipsing about.  But when I turn inward, on the other hand, while it seems like there's not a lot going on (once I get beyond all the mental hullabaloo) it's fairly quiet.....but its non-dual low profile sort of way. Curious, while I was on the phone with yet another person with whom I've been speaking about what appears to be the soon to be short sale of our townhouse, I was reading about the actual wholeness in which I abide.  So there is all this appearance of separation, but then there is just the "IsNess" of Presence-- the not then or there-ness. And if it's indivisible and I am part of that, how does seamle...
"What's on your mind?" That is the invitation that we are offered by Facebook.  I wonder if an equally valid question is "What's not on your mind."  Answer: Everything minus and infinitesimally small amount of thought that my mind is capable of entertaining at any given moment. Maybe that's what they mean by, "thinking outside the box." Then again, what about thinking more deeply inside the box?  The box being my consciousness. What if I swept away all thoughts?  Take a broom to them and put them under the carpet of my limited understanding for awhile and allow my mind to be denuded (along with my body--which I allow to be denuded in the clothing optional campground I live in.) I wonder if, when I consult with my mind, I run into a sign that says, "Thoughts optional."  Can I take them off as easily as my clothes? "Not hardly" (db. negative intended.) Each week, Rochelle and I do a live radio show at

"Insight Out--the Naked Truth" Topic "The Journey" Tuesday night's radio show--7

Let us take you on "The Journey-"-on tomorrow night's episode of "Insight Out-the Naked Truth"  7 PM (PDT) Since you probably know by now, Rochelle and I are pretty well convinced that we keep on evolving with or without our mortal bodies.  What has come as a revelation is how much that awareness has affected how we live our lives in these bodies.  It's really very freeing and much more fun!.  Find out how enriching and ennobling  that knowledge can be for you as you tune in to tomorrow night's show, and more importantly, tune in to your own eternal wisdom. Maybe, as you listen in tomorrow,we can tempt you into that awareness, so that you can make the most of your soul's journey through the universe. Or, at least, make the journey much more meaningful and leave less confusion and messiness in your wake.  And BTW, How are you doing on your journey through life?  Find out what "The Traveler," ha...