
Showing posts from April, 2014


I just found this unfinished blog.  It is now many months later, and the story has evolved in a very interesting way, but I thought this was worth sharing, especially in light of what has happened since I wrote it. Here goes:  W hen I look out at the world, I see lots of options. There's an aw-ful lot of stuff traipsing about.  But when I turn inward, on the other hand, while it seems like there's not a lot going on (once I get beyond all the mental hullabaloo) it's fairly quiet.....but its non-dual low profile sort of way. Curious, while I was on the phone with yet another person with whom I've been speaking about what appears to be the soon to be short sale of our townhouse, I was reading about the actual wholeness in which I abide.  So there is all this appearance of separation, but then there is just the "IsNess" of Presence-- the not then or there-ness. And if it's indivisible and I am part of that, how does seamle...
"What's on your mind?" That is the invitation that we are offered by Facebook.  I wonder if an equally valid question is "What's not on your mind."  Answer: Everything minus and infinitesimally small amount of thought that my mind is capable of entertaining at any given moment. Maybe that's what they mean by, "thinking outside the box." Then again, what about thinking more deeply inside the box?  The box being my consciousness. What if I swept away all thoughts?  Take a broom to them and put them under the carpet of my limited understanding for awhile and allow my mind to be denuded (along with my body--which I allow to be denuded in the clothing optional campground I live in.) I wonder if, when I consult with my mind, I run into a sign that says, "Thoughts optional."  Can I take them off as easily as my clothes? "Not hardly" (db. negative intended.) Each week, Rochelle and I do a live radio show at